A well defined IEDC cell is working at SIST capable of creating entrepreneurs for future generation
Taking the right decision at the right time is always challenging. I faced this challenging situation when I joined B.Tech at SIST. But frankly, each and every moment at SIST remembers me that I made the right choice. Where I reached today is only because of the support, care, love, guidance and teaching gave my teachers and all other faculties in SIST. SIST is best in academic, arts, sports, different clubs, techfests, exhibitions and NSS activities. And also a well defined IEDC cell is working at SIST capable of creating entrepreneurs for future generation. When come to my ECE dept…I feel grateful, when I remember the efforts each teacher taken to make us highly professionals and the real “ENGINEERS” not just degree holders. That’s why I’m here today. Of course, the signatures got me from SIST will reach me more heights…and I feel proud that I “made the right decision at the right time”!!!