Transportation Engineering Lab
For better construction and suitability of road, the engineering properties and behaviour of highway materials are essential. This lab deals with the techniques to determine the various properties of the vital highway material; the aggregate and bitumen. The various tests include Los Angeles Abrasion test, crushing strength, Impact test, Specific gravity of aggregates, Angularity Number etc. for aggregates and Ductility test, Specific gravity test, Penetration test, Softening point test, Flash and fire point test etc. for bitumen.

Impact testing machine, Los Angeles Abrasion testing machine, Flash and fire point testing machine; Marshal Equipment etc. are some of the instruments of this lab.

Survey Lab
This lab deals with imparting basic knowledge; about the various surveying and leveling instruments, their working and field operations; to the students. The instruments available include Transit Theodolite, Dumpy Level, Levelling Staff, Plane Table and its accessories, Prismatic Compass, cross Staff, ranging rods, Chains etc.

Strength of Materials Lab
This lab is well equipped with facilities for testing the properties of various materials like brass, mild steel, aluminum etc. The machines include 400 KN Universal testing Machine (UTM), Brinell and Rockwell Hardness Testing Machines, Izod and Charpy Impact Testing Machines, Torsion Testing Machine, Spring Testing Machine for open and close coiled springs etc.

Geo Technical Lab
Geotechnical engineering is the branch of civil engineering which deals with the engineering behavior of earth materials. It uses principles of soil mechanics and rock mechanics.
- To determine the subsurface conditions and materials.
- To determine their engineering behaviour
- To assess the risks posed by site conditions etc.
The Geotechnical engineering Laboratory has the machines and equipments to conduct various experiments for students to satisfy the academic curriculum. The laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behavior of geomaterials (soils and rocks) and byproducts. Geotechnical engineering laboratory has a great role to play in rendering the subsurface a safe and stable load bearing medium.
The Geotechnical engineering Laboratory has the machines and equipments to conduct various experiments for students to satisfy the academic curriculum. The laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behavior of geomaterials (soils and rocks) and byproducts. Geotechnical engineering laboratory has a great role to play in rendering the subsurface a safe and stable load bearing medium.

Some of the equipment housed in the Laboratory are:
- Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus : The test measures the unconfined compression strength of a cylinder of cohesive or semi-cohesive soilsand indirectly shear strength.
- California Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus : Test is to evaluate the bearing capacity of soil for the flexible pavement design.
- Liquid Limit Apparatus (Casagrande’s Apparatus) : This apparatus is used to determine the water content at which the soil changes from liquid state to plastic state.
- Consolidometer : Consolidation test is conducted in a laboratory to study the the compressibility of a soil.
- Direct Shear Apparatus : To determine the shear strength parameters.
- Variable Head Permeameter : Apparatus is used to find the permeability which indicates the ease with which water will flow through the soil.
- Laboratory Vane Shear Apparatus : Apparatus is used to determine the sher strength of saturated cohesive soils.
- Triaxial Testing Machine : Determination of shear characteristics of all types of soils under different drainage conditions.
Laboratory is also equipped with Compaction apparatus, Pycnometer, Apparatus for determining mass density,Hydrometer etc.
Structural & Construction Lab
Construction engineering laboratory of civil engineering department is well equipped with latest testing facilities. Equipments housed in the lab are:
- Loading Frame (100 tones)
- Loading Frame(40 tones) {Half Back Capacity}
- Concrete Mixer
- Vibration Isolator
- Horizontal Shake Table Apparatus